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Real RetroPhilly Bottled From The Spicket Wooder
Real RetroPhilly Bottled From The Spicket Wooder from www.retrophilly.com

Availability:: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days
Product Code: CSF09

Back in the day, before all the pricey and fancy bottled waters, real Fildelfyans drank from the tap--sometimes right from the hose!  And look at us, we grew up to be semi-normal, right???  Well, most of us.  Now you can get the same great "wooder", with over 20,000 mysterious minerals in every bottle, just like the folks back in Philly.  It ain't cheap, cuz, but at least it's the real deal, fresh from the spigot, or as we used ta say--spicket!

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